Attack Damage Carry • Average Difficulty

Double Tap
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 8s
Type: Line Skillshot
Passive: Fortuna’s next autoattack after using an ability fires twice. The second shot does reduced physical damage but can critically strike, lifesteal, and proc effects that trigger off of autoattacks. (The second shot does not proc effects such as Claw of the Siberian that trigger off of abilities. It is vulnerable to Evasion.)
Active: Fortuna fires a ricocheting bullet that bounces off the first enemy hit to strike an enemy behind them, prioritizing capes and pets. The bounce deals twice the physical damage of the initial hit. Both the initial hit and the bounce can critically strike, lifesteal, and proc effects that trigger off of autoattacks. (Neither the initial hit nor the bounce proc effects such as Claw of the Siberian that trigger off of abilities. Neither are vulnerable to Evasion.)
If Path to Victory is active, this is a targeted ability instead of a skillshot.
Second Autoattack Damage: 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9x AD
Active Damage: 40/50/60/70/80 + 1.5x AD
Active Range: 900m
Bounce Damage: 80/100/120/140/160 + 3x AD
Bounce Range: 500m

Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 25s
Type: Line Skillshot
Passive: Fortuna can use her Doormaker Gate more frequently.
Active: Fortuna marks a target enemy cape or pet for assassination. For the next several seconds, all damage Fortuna does is redirected to the target. Fortuna also gains vision of the target for as long as Bogeyman is active.
Bogeyman cannot be cleansed. Fortuna can only mark one target at a time.
If Path to Victory is active, this is a targeted ability instead of a skillshot.
DM Gate Cooldown: 52.5/45/37.5/30/22.5s
Damage Multiplier: 60/80/100/120/140%
Duration: 2/3.5/5/6.5/8s
Range: 1600m

Mana Cost: 55
Cooldown: 20s
Type: Self Target
Fortuna uses whatever she can find nearby to deflect incoming projectiles for a short duration.
If Path to Victory is active, the deflected projectiles lock on to their original creator.
Duration: 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5s

Path to Victory
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 60s
Type: Self Target
Fortuna calls upon her power to set a goal, see the exact steps necessary to achieve the goal, and execute those steps flawlessly. For the next several seconds, Double Tap and Bogeyman become targeted abilities, and Deflected projectiles lock on to their original creators. While Fortuna is on a Path to Victory her Critical Chance is significantly increased.
Critical Chance Bonus: 20/40/60/80/100%
Duration: 2/4/6/8/10s

Doormaker Gate
Cooldown: 60s
Type: Blink, Ground Target
Contessa begins the game with this unique version of Doormaker’s Gate.
Unique Active – Blink: Teleport a short distance.
Range: 300m
This item cannot be sold.