
Rebecca Costa-Brown

Bruiser • Easy Difficulty


Health Points

800 (+80 per level)

Mana Points

325 (+10 per level)

Attack Damage

18 (+3 per level)

Attack Speed




Health Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)

Mana Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)


25 (+5 per level)

Magic Resistance

0 (+0 per level)

Movement Speed

300 m/s


Flying Brick

Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6s

Type: Dash, Line Skillshot

Rebecca dashes through the air, knocking up and dealing physical damage to any enemy she passes through. (Minions take reduced damage.)

Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 + 0.35x AD

Damage (Minions): 15/21.25/27.5/33.75/40+0.0875x AD

Knockup Duration: 1s

Knockup Radius: 150m

Range: 400/500/600/700/800m


Statue Made Flesh

Mana Cost: 40 per instance of damage mitigated

Cooldown: 0.5s

Type: Toggle

Passive: Damaging an enemy with any ability grants Rebecca a shield equal to 15% of Rebecca’s’ maximum health for 3 seconds. This effect’s cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds every time Rebecca procs Shockwave Punch‘s passive.

Toggle: Rebecca is virtually invincible. While this ability is active, Rebecca cannot receive more than 250/200/150/100/50 points of damage from any single instance of damage. (Effects that pierce invulnerability bypass this cap.)

Statue Made Flesh drains mana each time it mitigates damage.

Passive Shield Points: 15% of Rebecca’s maximum health

Passive Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s

Passive Duration: 3s

Toggle Damage Cap: 250/200/150/100/50


Shockwave Punch

Mana Cost: 25/30/35/40/45

Cooldown: 0.5s

Type: Buff

Passive: When Rebecca autoattacks, she applies a Beatdown stack to her target. Beatdown stacks last for 4 seconds, refreshing each time a new stack is applied.

At three Beatdown stacks, Rebecca consumes them all and deals bonus physical damage to her target.

Active: Rebecca charges up a powerful punch. Her next autoattack sends a shockwave through the air, dealing physical damage to all enemies in a small box in front of her. Using Shockwave Punch also resets Rebecca’s autoattack timer.

Rebecca gains a new charge of Shockwave Punch every 14/12.5/11/10.5/8s. She can store up to two charges at a time.

Beatdown Proc Damage: 4/5.5/7/8.5/10% + 0.05x AD % maximum health.

Active Damage: 10/30/50/70/90 + 1.1x AD

Active Range: 250m

Active Width: 400m

Active Charge Rate: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8s

Maximum Charges: 3


Critical Action Squad

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 180/170/160/150/140s

Type: Ground Target

Rebecca channels, leaping up into the sky and becoming temporarily invulnerable and immune to crowd control effects. Two seconds later, she lands at her target location, dealing massive physical damage to all nearby enemies. Enemies in the center of the target location take twice as much damage as enemies at the edge.

While Rebecca is in the air, she gains vision over her target location. Allies near her target location take less damage. Enemies near her target location are slowed. These effects end when Rebecca lands.

Damage (Outer Ring): 150/200/250/300/350 + 1.15x AD + 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% missing health.

Damage (Inner Ring): 300/400/500/600/700 + 2.3x AD + 10/15/20/25/30% missing health.

Outer Ring Radius: 600m

Inner Ring Radius: 300m

Aura Damage Received (Allies): -35%

Aura Movement Speed (Enemies): -50%

Teleport Range: Global

Channel Time: 2s