Worm Update 1.0.29 Patch Notes

March 12, 2025

Worm is now hosted right here on tpetsrule games!
You will need to redownload the launcher.

New Items

  • Hookwolf’s Razors: 30 AD, 130% multiplicative bonus to AD
  • Arclance: 20 AD, 0.35x AS, attack speed over the cap is converted to AD
  • Torso’s Skull: 40 armor pen, next hit does % current health damage if you have not recently taken or dealt damage
  • Torso’s Fall: 60 armor pen, next hit does % current health damage and shreds armor if you have not recently taken or dealt damage
  • Tress’ Tendril: 15 AD, 45 armor pen, every 6s gain a charge (max 3 charges) granting bonus range on your next autoattack
  • Crimson Rage: 30 AP, 40 armor, consume blood from corpses to heal and gain armor
  • Scrub Smoke: 40 magical pen, every 10s next ability gains bonus magical pen
  • Canary’s Armor: 300 health, 80 armor, 10% CDR, aura that increases ally attack speed
  • Brandish Shield: 400 health, 60 armor, aura that increases ally armor
  • Sere’s Robes: 10 AD, 300 health, 40 armor, aura that decreases enemy armor
  • Cherish’s Headphones: 20 AP, 300 health, 40 MR, aura that decreases enemy MR

Cape Changes


  • New Ability (R): Glass Catastrophe
    • Cone of flying glass that deals physical damage
    • Leaves behind an arc of Glass Shards at the tip of the cone
    • Resets the cooldown on Attention Seeker
    • Leaves a field of glass behind that deals damage over time
  • Ice Shard duration lowered from 8s to 6s
  • New hero icon and new icons for all abilities


  • Nerve Gas AD scaling lowered from 0.6x to 0.4x


  • Control loss on autoattack lowered from 10% to 0%
  • Reduced channel time on Annihilation
  • Reduced channel time on Reality Warp
  • Difficulty level raised from Average to Hard


  • New icons for Pain modifier and all abilities


  • New icons for all abilities


  • New icons for all abilities


  • New icons for all abilities

Glory Girl

  • New hero icon and icons for Aura: Terror and Aura: Awe


  • New icons for all abilities


  • New icons for all abilities

Shadow Stalker

  • New icons for all abilities


  • New hero icon and icons for all abilities

Item Changes

  • Crawler’s Tooth
    • Now passively grants 30 AD
    • Active AD lowered from 45 to 30
    • Now builds from a Sniper Rifle and a Pistol instead of just the Sniper Rifle
    • Cost raised from 2100 to 3000
  • Gallant’s Armor
    • Aura radius raised from 300m to 450m
  • Dragon Tech: Damage
    • Now additionally gives 40 ability power
  • Dragon Tech: Mana
    • Now additionally gives 10% cooldown reduction
  • Corona Pollentia
    • New icon
  • Shatterbird’s Glass Storm
    • New icon

Jack Slash’s Knife and Flechette’s Arbalest are the two largest sources of armor penetration in the game. Both now give even more penetration but no longer give AD, making them useful specifically as a counter-build for tanks rather than being good-all-around items that you buy every game. Each now has an upgraded form that grants another stat as a way to round out your build late in the game. These upgrades (including the preexisting Foil’s Rapier) all cost double the price of the normal item to encourage you to build them as late-game gold sinks rather than rushing them. This line of items also has a new member, Torso’s Skull.

  • Flechette’s Arbalest
    • Now builds from 4 Crossbows (previously 2 Crossbows and 2 Pistols)
    • Removed attack damage
    • Armor penetration raised from 30 to 45
    • Cost lowered from 3500 to 2950
  • Foil’s Rapier
    • Removed attack damage
    • Added 0.3x attack speed
    • Cost raised from 4950 to 5900
  • Jack Slash’s Knife
    • Now builds from 4 Crossbows (previously 2 Crossbows and 2 Pistols)
    • Removed attack damage
    • Armor penetration raised from 30 to 45
    • Cost lowered from 3500 to 2950

Coil Merc’s Sniper Rifle has been reworked to give it more of an identity outside of simply giving a large amount of AD. It now rewards waiting for long periods of time between attacks, making it ideal for assassins.

  • Coil Merc’s Sniper Rifle
    • New passive: Build a stack every 2s up to 5 stacks. Autoattacking or using a physical damage ability consumes all stacks to deal bonus damage based on the number of stacks you had.
    • AD lowered from 45 to 30
    • AD is no longer a unique passive
    • Cost raised from 3000 to 3200

UI Changes

  • Added floating numbers for heals
  • Tooltips now round to two decimal places when calculating modifiers
  • Separated the Nano-Thorn items and the pure-AD items into their own tabs in the store
  • Added a splash screen with the tpetsrule games logo
  • Added a new honeycomb theme throughout several sections of the UI, and redid the color scheme of the UI to feature more golds and oranges instead of blues
  • Enlarged icon frames in the capepedia to better show off all the new icons
  • Removed news tab from the lobby as this information is now displayed in the new launcher

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Controllable bots of Burnscar and Glory Girl can now be summoned while in debug mode
  • Instead of refreshing four times per second, the Punching Bag refreshes each time damage is dealt to it. This keeps it from constantly ticking down, making DPS readings more usable.
  • Recommended items now update when a pet is selected
  • Simplified the way the game checks to see if an attack can trigger a proc. There should be no noticeable changes.
  • Upgraded from 32-bit to 64-bit.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where Bonesaw’s Scalpel would keep you from dying but not go on cooldown or activate the invulnerability and heal
  • Fixed bug where Bonesaw’s Scalpel would heal for less than the full amount if damage in excess of lethal damage was taken
  • Fixed bug where multiple copies of Bonesaw’s Scalpel could activate simultaneously
  • Chance For Glory no longer drops multiple times if you have multiple copies of Nano-Thorn Knife
  • Multiple copies of Marquis’ Bone Armor‘s aura no longer stack
  • Marquis’ Bone Armor now correctly affects minions and pets
  • Duplicate copies of Glory Girl’s Tiara no longer show multiple auras
  • Fixed bug where the store tooltip would cover an icon instead of appearing next to the icon
  • Melee auto attacks now correctly send the on-hit event before the deal-damage event
  • Shatterbird’s Attention Seeker no longer pulls Ice Shards that have already exploded
  • Fixed bug where Swansong‘s autoattacks could trigger Legend’s light procs
  • The last hit of The Siberian’s Eye Gouge now correctly applies a bleed
  • The Siberian‘s bleed now correctly deals physical damage, not magical damage
  • March’s Untouchable now correctly procs the speed buff from Vista’s Visor
  • Fixed bug where a pet would follow the mouse if selected while Burnscar’s Torcherer was active
  • Shadow Stalker’s Electrical Cord no longer shows a floating damage number when used
  • Fixed bug where ground-targeted missiles such as Bakuda’s EMP and Precipice’s Grasping Self failed to detonate
  • Fixed bug where Bakuda’s Toe Ring failed to detonate Cranial Bombs and Pain Bombs
  • Fixed bug where upgrading a skill would slightly reduce its cooldown if you had CDR
  • Fixed bug where animations would stop working after Wretchify was cast on a character
  • Fixed bug where Miss Militia would continue rotating to face the mouse after her ultimate ended
  • Fixed bug where Miss Militia would still benefit from Energy SMG‘s attack speed for a few seconds after switching stances
  • Miss Militia’s Energy SMG now shows a buff icon for its attack speed ramp-up
  • Autoattacking now correctly refreshes the duration of all previous Energy SMG stacks
  • Fixed bug where all skills and items with charge stacks would reset if one of them reset
  • Fixed bug where an extra ability named “Passive” would show up in the capepedia for Lung
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