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New Achievements
- A Crutch for Noobs: Lock the camera.
Item Changes
- Contessa’s Revolver stacks per kill lowered from 10 to 8
- Contessa’s Revolver stacks per assist lowered from 5 to 4
- Contessa’s Fedora stacks per kill lowered from 20 to 16
- Contessa’s Fedora stacks per assist lowered from 10 to 8
UI Changes
- You can now rebind all hotkeys from the new “Settings” tab in the main menu
- You can now lock / unlock the camera via a hotkey (default period)
- You can now use a hotkey (default T) to switch between yourself and each of your pets
Miscellaneous Changes
- Made several significant optimizations to reduce the amount of data that needs to get sent over the server.
Bug Fixes
- March can no longer use Captive Audience while rooted or crippled
- Minions no longer start bouncing around wildly for players other than the host in The Boardwalk
- Fixed bug where damage mitigated was calculated only for invulnerablity and capped damage, but not armor or MR
- Fixed bug where the game tried to recalculate the movement of other players, rather than syncing
patch notes,