Silences and damages enemies in a semicircle in front of you
Grants a temporary shield based on the damage done
Grappling Hook (W)
Line skillshot that pulls you to an enemy, rooting and damaging them
Cooldown resets on kill
Combat Prediction Tech (E)
Passively grants armor and MR per far-away ally
Parry that deals damage to the next person to attack you
Single Combat (R)
Targets a single enemy hero
Only you can damage your target
Only your target can damage you
You do additional damage to your target
New Skins
Avenger Armsmaster
Cape Changes
Crawler’s Masochism now costs 20% of his current health (down from 25%)
Crawler’s Caustic Spit now costs 40% of his current health (down from 50%)
Crawler’s Sadism now costs 60% of his current health (down from 75%)
Selecting targets for Tattletale’s Changing the Game should now be slightly more forgiving
Shadow Stalker difficulty level changed from Easy to Average
Burnscar difficulty level changed from Average to Easy
UI Changes
New kill feed icon for executes
Miscellaneous Changes
You now gain 10 xp per second in Brockton Bay Central Bank (up from 5).
You now gain 6 xp per second in The Boardwalk (up from 3).
Killing a minion now grants 34 gold (up from 21).
Being near a minion when it dies now grants 17 gold (up from 7).
Killing a jungle buff now grants 102 gold (up from 60).
Being near a jungle buff when it dies now grants 51 gold (up from 20).
Killing a tower now grants 600 gold to the whole team (up from 300).
Killing a ward now grants 16 gold (up from 8).
Being near a ward when it dies now grants 8 gold (up from 3).
Significantly increased the amount of gold you get from a cape kill or assist
Assist gold and xp is now divided among players who got an assist rather than each player getting the full reward
Gold and xp for nearby minions dying is now divided among nearby players rather than each player getting the full reward
The respawn timer now scales from 5 seconds at level 1 to 29.7 seconds at level 20
In Brockton Bay Central Bank, the respawn timer is modified based on how well your team is doing
This is clamped between half and double the base respawn timer
In Brockton Bay Central Bank, teams now start at 120 tickets plus 15 for each player beyond the first
Selecting targets to autoattack by right-clicking should now be slightly more forgiving
While in debug mode, kill and assist gold and xp is documented in chat.
Bug Fixes
Attempted to fix bug where the taunt from Cherish’s Codependence lasted permanently
Cherish’s Apathy no longer starts to repeat its sound effect
Attempted to resolve discrepancies between the kill feed and the actual score.
Fixed bug where all assist gold was going to the player that got the kill instead.
Gold per kill calculation now correctly takes into account the victim’s current streak at the time of death, rather than always counting their streak as -1 since they died.
CC immunity now correctly works with pushes and pulls such as Rail Dash or Arm on a Chain
Arm on a Chain now correctly cancels if interrupted
Fixed null reference error on procs that trigger when damage is avoided
Updated code for when Tattletale has one chain on an ally and one on an enemy for future compatibility. There should be no noticeable change.
Totems that don’t deal damage no longer send empty damage RPCs. This should improve performance.
Bolded references to other abilities in several tooltips that were missing this.