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New Cape: Legend
- Living Light / Frost Beam (W)
- Passive
- Fly when leaving fountain (bonus movement speed)
- Active
- Projectile that snares and does damage to all enemies in a line
- Coruscant Knave / Disintegration Beam (R)
- Passive
- Abilities mark enemies with Light
- Autoattacking enemies with Light consumes the Light and does damage
- Active
- Large long-range laser beam that fires after a 2s channel
New Items
- Narwhal’s Horn: grants a temporary damage shield
- Valkyrie’s Wings: 15 AD, 40 armor, kills grant a temporary damage shield
- Gallant’s Helm: activate to gain global vision for 3s
- Gallant’s Armor: 400 HP, 60 MR, MR aura for allies, activate to gain global vision for 3s
Item Changes
- Bonesaw’s Dress: cooldown reduced from 5m to 3m
- Bonesaw’s Dress: new icon
Bug Fixes
- Your money and unlocked avatars now update correctly after purchasing an item
- Items now correctly have their costs reduced for prepurchased pieces that are more than one item tier lower
- Fixed a bug where buying a consumable when you already have a full stack would grant an additional full stack
- You can now level up abilities from inside the store
patch notes,