You now have a permanent account with a username and password.
Your all-time playtime, kills, deaths, assists, and CS are now tracked for each hero and can be viewed from the new “Statistics” tab in the main menu.
You can now gain Achievements from completing various milestones. Achievements can be viewed from the new “Achievements” tab in the main menu.
New Achievements
Parahumans Online: Log into your account for the first time.
Get Some Help: Use Shadow Stalker’s Electrical Cord 3 times in a single match.
UI Changes
Patch notes can now be viewed from the new “News” tab in the main menu.
Bug Fixes
Glory Girl no longer plays her aura animation after autoattacking
Absorbing crowd control effects now correctly puts Fragile One‘s passive on cooldown
Fragile One now correctly pulls through walls
Attempted to fix consistency issues with Fragile One‘s pull
Glory Girl‘s tiara and cape no longer remain visible when Panacea Wretches her
Glory Girl can no longer be Wretched by Panacea if her Fragile One passive is up
Using Coil’s Mask to Wretch someone twice in a row no longer results in them being permanently Wretched
Bakuda’s Mask no longer keeps its aura after being cleansed
Newter’s Skin no longer keeps its aura after being cleansed
Vista’s Visor no longer keeps its aura after being cleansed
Any cleansable effect is now cleansed on death
Attempted to fix bug where players die again immediately after respawning
Attempted to fix various null reference errors
Fixed a crash caused by using Shadow Stalker’s Electrical Cord on Crawler (using it would stack his health into the millions, slowing the game to, ironically, a crawl).