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Cape Changes
Glory Girl rework, pt. 2
- Aura: Terror
- Range reduced from 400m to 300m
- Channel time increased from 1s to 2s
- Hard CC now cancels this ability.
- New animation
- Aura: Awe
- Range reduced from 400m to 300m
- Channel time increased from 1s to 2s
- Hard CC now cancels this ability.
- New animation
- Fly
- Movement speed bonus raised from 200/400/600/800/1000 m/s to 400/550/700/850/1000 m/s
- Now channels for 2s before activating.
- Hard CC now cancels this ability, both during the channel and while in flight.
- Fragile One – new active
- Summon a forcefield of hands that grab and silence nearby enemies
- Grabbed enemies are pulled towards Victoria and stunned after 2.5s
- Fragile One passive and active now have separate cooldowns
- Fragile One active cooldown raised from 60s to 100s
The following debuffs can now be cleansed:
- Bakuda’s Cranial Bombs
- Pain effect (DoT and slow) from Bakuda’s Pain Bombs
- Burnscar‘s fires (DoT)
- Crawler’s Caustic Spit (slow and attack speed slow)
- Glory Girl’s Fragile One (hand tether)
- Miss Militia’s Rubber Bullet (slow)
- Panacea’s Contagion (DoT)
- Panacea’s Indulgence (DoT)
- Panacea’s Understandable (slow, armor debuff, and MR debuff)
- Sundancer‘s Orb: Flare (slow)
- The Siberian‘s bleed (DoT)
Item Changes
- The following debuffs can now be cleansed:
- Bakuda’s Mask (damage vulnerability)
- Newter’s Skin (slow)
- Vista’s Visor (slow)
Bug Fixes
- Glory Girl‘s passive auras now work correctly
- Glory Girl no longer plays her flying animation when using Slippers of Serenity
- Walking over unactivated Pain Bombs no longer puts Fragile One‘s passive on cooldown
- You can no longer use abilities while feared or taunted
- The lobby no longer glitches out if you are in the encyclopedia when someone joins the game
- Wildbow’s Pen no longer puts Fragile One‘s passive on cooldown
- Attempted to fix various null reference errors
patch notes,