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Cape Changes
- Base health raised from 800 to 850
- Base attack damage raised from 15 to 20
- Attack damage per level raised from 2 to 6
- Range lowered from 500m to 450m
Glory Girl rework
- Aura: Terror (Q)
- Is now a point-blank AOE instead of a cone.
- Now channels for 1s before activating.
- Now displays an indicator while channeling.
- No longer channels for the duration of the fear.
- Range reduced from 600m to 400m.
- New passive: AOE movement speed bonus to allies
- Passive effect is doubled for 1s while channeling the active
- Aura: Awe (W)
- Is now a point-blank AOE instead of a cone.
- Now channels for 1s before activating.
- Now displays an indicator while channeling.
- No longer channels for the duration of the taunt.
- Range reduced from 600m to 400m.
- New passive: AOE damage reduction for allies
- Passive effect is doubled for 1s while channeling the active
patch notes,