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New Items
- Swansong’s Dress: 45 AP, 15 magic pen, magical abilities deal 3% max health damage
- This is the same as the old Legend’s Mask, which is now a Laser upgrade
- Builds from a Costume and an Antifoam Solvent
- New Wave Laser: line skillshot, deals 200 + 1x AP true damage
- Lady Photon’s Tiara
- 30 AP, 80 mana
- Line skillshot, deals 200 + 1x AP true damage
- Roots enemies for 1s on hit
- Builds from a New Wave Laser, a Cape, a Mask, and a Noble Shard
- Laserdream’s Hairband
- 60 AP
- Line skillshot, deals 400 + 2x AP true damage
- Builds from a New Wave Laser, 2 Capes, and a Mask
- Shielder’s Visor
- 30 AP, 40 magic resist
- Line skillshot, deals 200 + 1x AP true damage
- Makes allies invulnerable for 1s on hit
- Builds from a New Wave Laser, a Cape, a Mask, and an Antifoam Solvent
- Antifoam Solvent: 10 magic pen
Item Changes
- Legend’s Mask rework
- 30 AP, 15 magic pen
- Line skillshot, deals 200 + 1x AP + 10% max health true damage
- Builds from a New Wave Laser, a Cape, a Mask, and a PRT Uniform
- Crossbow cost raised from 300g to 600g
- Shadow Stalker’s Crossbow cost raised from 2750g to 3250g
- Shadow Stalker’s Crossbow now builds from 2 Crossbows and 2 Pistols
- Previously was 1 Crossbow and 2 Pistols
- Jack Slash’s Knife cost raised from 2750g to 3250g
- Jack Slash’s Knife now builds from 2 Crossbows and 2 Pistols
- Previously was 1 Crossbow and 2 Pistols
Miscellaneous Changes
- Debug Mode
- Wildbow’s Pen now also restores all mana on use
Bug Fixes
- Panacea’s Scarf now correctly procs Vista’s Visor
- Shatterbird’s Glass Storm now correctly procs Vista’s Visor
- Once again fixed bug where several of Burnscar‘s Level 5 abilities did not fire
- Fixed a SendMessage with no receiver introduced by yesterday’s Contessa fix
patch notes,