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New Status Effect: Blinded
- You no longer see what your teammates see, and your vision radius is severely reduced
- Your pets still retain full vision
Cape Changes
- Double Tap now assigns equal bounce priority to pets and heroes
- Bogeyman now affects pets
- Experimental Rocket Prototype now affects pets
- Pets can now be lit on fire
- Orb: Detonate now stuns and damages pets
- Orb: Detonate is now reflect-immune
The Siberian
- New Ability (E): Eye Gouge
- Does four ticks of damage in an AOE cone in front of The Siberian
- The last tick does double damage and blinds
- Devour base damage raised from 0 to 100/200/300/400/500
- Devour AD scaling raised from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3x AD to 2/4/6/8/10x AD
- Devour can now target pets
- New sound effect for Devour
- William Manton now has a new passive, “Manton’s Folly”
- Does nothing new, but explains how the Manton mechanic works
- Difficulty rating changed from Easy to Average
- Sadism can now target pets
- Indulgence / Atonement now affects pets
- Wretchify can now target pets (Kheprify still cannot)
Item Changes
- Bakuda’s Mask now affects pets
Bug Fixes
- William Manton‘s recall is now correctly bound to the B key
- William Manton no longer appears to fly at high movement speeds
- Killing The Siberian now correctly awards a kill
- Spawning Oni Lee’s Mask clones of The Siberian no longer also creates Manton clones
- Contessa’s Victorious Double Tap now correctly displays its leveled stats in yellow
- Sundancer‘s Orb: Detonate now correctly damages and stuns minions
- Fixed bug where totems created by projectiles would fail to do damage
patch notes,