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New Cape: The Siberian
- Comes with pet: William Manton
- The Siberian is permanently invulnerable, but dies if Manton dies
- The Siberian takes % max health damage if she moves too far from Manton
- Immovable Object (W): Grant invulnerability to a target ally
- Devour (R): Single-target execute, based on AD and percent missing health
- Cooldown resets if you kill someone with it
New Items
- Chevalier’s Cannonblade: reduces cooldowns by 3s on critical hits
- Can proc once every 5 seconds
- Builds from a Pistol, a Shotgun, and a Tinker Gear
Miscellaneous Changes
- Fountain damage now pierces invulnerability
Bug Fixes
- Pets dying no longer causes everyone to switch active heroes to the pets’ owner
- Fixed null reference error with status effects
patch notes,