
Cherie Vasil

Support • Average Difficulty


Health Points

800 (+80 per level)

Mana Points

450 (+10 per level)

Attack Damage

15 (+2 per level)

Attack Speed




Health Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)

Mana Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)


22 (+3.5 per level)

Magic Resistance

0 (+0 per level)

Movement Speed

300 m/s



Mana Cost: 75

Cooldown: 20s

Type: Ground Target

Passive: Panic and desperation are music to Cherie’s ears. Cherie gains truesight over low health enemies, no matter where they are on the map.

Active: Cherie fires a blast of raw emotion at a target area. Filled with tension, suspicion, and paranoia, enemies near the point of impact begin autoattacking each other.

Truesight Threshold: 10/15/20/25/30% maximum health

Taunt Duration: 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2s

Range: 1200m

Explosion Radius: 150m



Mana Cost: 90/105/120/135/150

Cooldown: 45s

Type: Ground Target

Passive: Cherie doses her enemies with a small hit of dopamine every time they see her, adding 1 stack per minute up to a total of 60 stacks. Over time, this conditions her enemies to become increasingly dependent on her, making it more and more difficult for them to willingly harm her.

Active: Cherie creates an aura of attraction at a target location. Prolonged contact with the aura renders Cherie’s enemies hopelessly addicted to her; willing to do anything for her, they compulsively follow the aura around, ignoring the magical damage over time they receive from it.

The aura last for 20 seconds and orbits around Cherie, trying to maintain the same distance from her that it had when it was first cast. The aura’s damage increases the longer it remains active.

Damage Reduction: 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1% per stack

Damage Reduction at Full Stacks: 12/24/36/48/60%

Aura Base DPS: 30/35/40/45/50 + 0.3x AP

Aura Maximum DPS: 90/105/120/135/150 + 0.3x AP

Aura Exposure Needed to Taunt: 2s

Aura Taunt Duration: 2s

Aura Cast Range: 1600m

Aura Radius: 500m



Mana Cost: 60

Cooldown: 14s

Type: Self Target

Cherie’s power to manipulate emotions also grants her protection against enemies that would do the same. While this ability is active, Cherie is immune to all hard crowd control effects; any enemy that tries to use a hard crowd control effect on her is silenced and takes magical damage instead.

Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 +1x AP

Duration: 1s

Silence Duration: 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5s



Mana Cost: 160

Cooldown: 120s

Type: Auto Target

Cherie overwhelms her foes with a powerful surge of depression, guilt, and self-loathing, driving all enemy capes and pets on the map to harm themselves after a brief delay.

(Despair deals magical damage.)

Damage: 100/125/150/175/200 + 1.4x AP + 2/4/6/8/10% missing health.

Fuse Time: 3s

Range: Global