
Lisa Wilbourn

Support • Hard Difficulty


Health Points

800 (+80 per level)

Mana Points

325 (+9 per level)

Attack Damage

15 (+2 per level)

Attack Speed




Health Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)

Mana Regeneration

2/s (+0.1/s per level)


22 (+3.5 per level)

Magic Resistance

0 (+0 per level)

Movement Speed

300 m/s


Seeing the Cracks

Mana Cost: 40

Cooldown: 8s

Type: Line Skillshot

Lisa chains herself to a nearby cape or pet, learning vital information about their strengths and weaknesses. Allies that are chained deal increased damage; enemies deal reduced damage. This effect becomes more powerful the longer Lisa remains chained to a target. Chains last indefinitely, breaking only when the target dies or moves out of range.

Lisa can chain up to two targets at a time. Chaining a third target will cause the oldest chain to expire immediately.

If Lisa chains a single ally and a single enemy, damage the ally deals to the enemy will be increased even further.

Damage Dealt (Allies): +5/7.5/10/12.5/15% + 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% per tick + 0.01x AP% per tick

Damage Dealt (Enemies): -5/7.5/10/12.5/15% – 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% per tick – 0.01x AP% per tick

Ticks: 5

Duration Per Tick: 4s

Chained Ally Damage to Chained Enemy: +10/20/30/40/50%

Range: 600m

Leash Radius: 800m

Maximum Chains: 2


Let’s Make a Deal

Mana Cost: 80

Cooldown: 60/50/40/30/20s

Type: Ground Target

Lisa manipulates any capes at the target location into abandoning their missions. They immediately recall to base, taking reduced damage while they do so.

Range: 400m

Effect Radius: 200m

Damage Taken: 10% from all sources

Channel Duration: 4s


Hacking Made Easy

Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80/90

Cooldown: 24/23/22/21/20s

Type: Channeled, Auto Target

Lisa hacks into the enemy team’s network of towers, temporarily granting her the ability to alter their list of targets. For a brief duration, allies chained to Lisa can no longer be targeted by minions or towers, and do not take damage from the enemy fountain. Enemies chained to Lisa will be targeted by their own minions and towers, and no longer heal inside their fountain.

Lisa’s movement speed is reduced by 50% while channeling this ability.

Duration: 2/3/4/5/6s


Changing the Game

Mana Cost: 100

Cooldown: 100/85/70/55/40s

Type: Enemy Target

Passive: Lisa permanently gains truesight in a small radius around her.

Active: Lisa convinces an enemy cape to change their loyalties for a short duration. During this time, the target is treated as a member of Lisa’s team and is vulnerable to damage from their own teammates. The target receives no gold or experience from killing their teammates, and their teammates receive no gold or experience for killling them.

Truesight Radius: 200/300/400/500/600m

Defect Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3s

Defect Range: 300m