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Cape Changes
- Updated recommended items
- Nerve Gas and Whirling Blades can now proc Claw of the Siberian a maximum of once per second
- Annihilation now deals half of its full damage to minions
- Reality Warp now deals half of its full damage to minions
Bug Fixes
- The bleed on Imp’s Backstab now correctly deals physical damage, not magical damage
- Fixed bug where Mannequin’s Whirling Blades did not affect pets
- Legend’s Forked Beam now correctly deals magical damage, not true damage
- Legend’s Frost Beam now correctly deals magical damage, not physical damage
- Legend’s Impact Beam now correctly deals magical damage, not true damage
- Legend’s Disintegration Beam now correctly deals magical damage, not true damage
- Fixed bug where Flechette’s Arbalest and Foil’s Rapier were not dealing damage when piercing evasion
- The buff icon for Claw of the Siberian now correctly reads “Manton’s Fury“, not “Sting”
- Stats now round to the nearest hundredth to avoid float mismatches (i.e. 5.9999999 instead of 6)
patch notes,