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New Cape: Swansong
- Annihilation (Q)
- Short-range cone skillshot that deals true damage
- Pulls enemies to Ashley
- Very short cooldown
- Reality Warp (W)
- AOE damage and knockup in a circle at a target location
- Charges up for 5s or until reactivated
- Deals bonus damage if allowed to charge
- Destroys projectiles while charging
- Mangled Wings (E)
- Does damage in a semicircle in front of Ashley
- Pushes Ashley backwards
- Damsel of Distress (R)
- Creates a clone of Ashley with all of her spells and abilities
- Swansong’s Prosthetic Hand (forced item)
- Uses control, a unique resource
- Start at 100% control
- Lose control by autoattacking or casting abilities
- Regain control by staying out of combat
- Losing control increases Ashley’s AP but reduces her health
New Items
- Claw of Love Lost
- 20 AD, 15 armor penetration
- AOE that silences and gives 2x AD to you and nearby enemies
- Builds from a Sniper Rifle and a Crossbow
New Skins
- Breakthrough Swansong
- Scarecrow Mannequin
- Barista Glory Girl
- Nurse Panacea
New Avatars
Cape Changes
- Increased the size of the hitbox for Arm on a Chain
- Increased the size of the hitbox for Grappling Hook
- Grappling Hook now additionally stuns on hit
UI Changes
- Added floating numbers for damage, gold, and XP
- The capepedia now displays ability hotkeys
Miscellaneous Changes
- Recasting abilities no longer procs effects that proc on ability use
- Recalling to base no longer procs effects that proc on ability use
- Changed some code under the hood for ability hotkeys. This should have no noticeable effects.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where you did not get gold or XP from a minion dying nearby if you did any damage to the minion
- Fixed bug where other players could not see Precipice‘s resource bar
- Claw of the Siberian now shows the correct buff icon
- Oni Lee’s Mask no longer shows clones at level 1 regardless of your current level
- Oni Lee’s Mask clones now copy your mana / resource bar
- Oni Lee’s Mask clones no longer spawn with gold
- Oni Lee’s Mask clones can no longer use the store
- Fixed bug where Oni Lee’s Mask clones would spawn with the default skin when using another skin
- Fixed bug where auras on pets would remain permanently after the pet despawned
- Fixed error code when trying to summon multiple copies of a clone you can only have one of
- Fixed bug where forced items such as Bakuda’s Toe Ring would show in slot 1 even if moved to another slot
- Fixed bug where buff icons would sometimes show extremely small decimal values instead of zero
patch notes,