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New Items
- Gemma: 200 mana, 20% cdr, doubles mana regeneration
Cape Changes
- Re-added to the game
- Base mana raised from 100 to 350
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 11
- Autoattack range increased from 500m to 750m
- New Ability (Q): Clarity / Forked Beam
- Passive: increased vision range
- Active: laser that splits perpendicularly
- Does more damage after splitting
- New Ability (E): Breaker State / Impact Beam
- Passive: bonus AP on ability cast
- Active: laser that knocks back enemies
- Frost Beam base damage increased from 15/25/35/45/55 to 40/60/80/100/120
- Frost Beam AP scaling increased from 0.1x AP to 0.35x AP
- Frost Beam root duration increased from 1.5s to 2s
- Disintegration Beam base damage raised from 100/125/150/175/200 to 300/350/400/450/500
- New icons for Frost Beam and Disintegration Beam
- Orb: Flare range increased from 150m to 250m
- Orb: Detonate range increased from 150m to 250m
- This brings Sundancer’s ranges in line with her indicator, which was too big before.
- Critical Action Squad channel time reduced from 4s to 2s
UI Changes
- Post-game screen now has a new “Details” tab that tracks the following stats:
- Total gold
- Gold / minute
- Player damage
- Minion damage
- Tower damage
- Damage taken
- Damage mitigated
- Player healing
- Dropped items that you can’t pick up are now grayed out
- Dropped items now display their name above them
- Dropped items that expire now display a timer above them
- Jungle buffs now display a circle showing their leash radius
- Corona Pollentia‘s tooltip now indicates that it drops Broken Second Trigger
- Nano-Thorn Knife‘s tooltip now indicates that it drops Chance for Glory
Miscellaneous Changes
- Jungle buffs on the ground now expire if not picked up within 30 seconds
- This timer pauses if the jungle buff is picked up, and resumes from
where it left off if it is dropped again
Bug Fixes
- Attempted to fix bug where dead capes and minions would remain frozen in a standing position after death
- Jungle buffs can now only be picked up by members of the team that killed it
- Killing yourself no longer procs on-kill effects
- Killing yourself with Corona Pollentia equipped no longer grants Broken Second Trigger
- Tattletale’s Seeing the Cracks now correctly breaks if Tattletale dies
- Nearby players no longer get assist XP from heroes killed while under the influence of Tattletale’s Changing the Game
- Lung now correctly reverts to human form if he dies in dragon form
- Lung now correctly loses all Rage on death
- Wretchified enemies now correctly revert to human form on death
- Dancing animations no longer continue while dead
- Fixed null reference error that sometimes occured when picking up another player’s dropped items
- Panacea’s Scarf visual effects are no longer stuck halfway into the ground
- Items on pets can now be dragged into new slots without deselecting the pet
patch notes,