New Cape: Alexandria
- Flying Brick (Q)
- Dash that knocks up enemies Alexandria passes through
- Statue Made Flesh (W)
- Passive
- Gain a shield when damaging enemies with abilities
- Active
- Toggled ability that caps the amount of damage Alexandria can take from a single instance of damage
- Drains mana when procced
- Passive
- Shockwave Punch (E)
- Passive
- Autoattacking a target 3 times deals % max health damage
- Active
- AOE autoattack
- Up to two charges can be held at a time
- Passive
- Critical Action Squad (R)
- Global teleport after a long channel
- Vision over the destination while channeling
- AOE slow for enemies at the destination while channeling
- AOE damage mitigation for allies at the destination while channeling
- AOE execute on landing
- Center of the AOE deals more damage than the edges do
New Skins
- High Seas Alexandria
Cape Changes
- Base mana raised from 100 to 350
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 8
Miss Militia
- Base mana raised from 100 to 275
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 12
Shadow Stalker
- Base mana raised from 100 to 200
- Mana per level lowered from 19 to 17
- Tranquilizer Bolts slow increased from 5/10/15/20/25 m/s to
10/20/30/40/50 - Tranquilizer Bolts maximum stacks decreased from 6 to 3
- Tranquilizer Bolts now stuns on the third autoattack
- Tranquilizer Bolts slow now starts over on the fourth autoattack
- Tranquilizer Bolts stun duration reduced from 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1s to 0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5s
- Razor Bolts base armor reduction increased from 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 to 10/15/20/25/30
- Razer Bolts armor reduction AD scaling increased from 0.04x AD to 0.08x AD
- Razor Bolts maximum stacks decreased from 6 to 3
- Razor Bolts now procs its bleed on the third autoattack
- Razor Bolts armor reduction now starts over on the fourth autoattack
- Razor Bolts bleed base damage reduced from 10 to 5
- Razor Bolts bleed attack damage scaling reduced from 0.2x AD to 0.1x AD
- Base mana raised from 120 to 375
- Mana per level lowered from 23 to 10
- Base mana raised from 100 to 325
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 12
- Base mana raised from 120 to 375
- Mana per level lowered from 23 to 10
- Base mana raised from 100 to 300
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 13
- Base mana raised from 100 to 250
- Mana per level lowered from 17 to 7
- Base mana raised from 100 to 300
- Mana per level lowered from 17 to 11
- Attack damage per level raised from 3 to 4.5
- Attack speed lowered to 0.75x (previously it was roughly 0.83x but said 1x on the tooltip)
- Combat Prediction Tech no longer ends early when procced, and can be procced multiple times
The Siberian
- Base mana raised from 100 to 375
- Mana per level lowered from 17 to 7
- Now jumps significantly faster during Unstoppable Force
Glory Girl
- Base mana raised from 100 to 275
- Mana per level lowered from 12 to 10
- Base mana raised from 120 to 450
- Mana per level lowered from 23 to 10
- Base mana raised from 150 to 425
- Mana per level lowered from 26 to 12
- Kheprify / Wretchify are now significantly easier to target
- Base mana raised from 100 to 325
- Mana per level lowered from 21 to 9
Item Changes
- Bonesaw’s Dress
- Name changed to Bonesaw’s Scalpel
- New icon
- Valkyrie’s Wings
- Name changed to Valkyrie’s Sickle
- New icon
- Shield points increased from 200 to 400
- Is now stackable on multikills
- Aegis’ Helm
- Shield is now 30% of your max health instead of a flat 600
UI Changes
- Shadow Stalker‘s targets now show a ring around them for each stack of Tranquilizer Bolts or Razor Bolts
Miscellaneous Changes
- Redid the code for dashes, pulls, and knockbacks, all of which should now be significantly smoother and more consistent. This affects the following skills and items:
- Armsmaster’s Grappling Hook
- Glory Girl’s Fragile One
- Mannequin’s Arm on a Chain
- Shadow Stalker’s Ethereal Dash
- The Siberian’s Unstoppable Force
- Rail Dash
- The following pulls and knockbacks can now be cleansed and are now cancelled by CC immunity:
- Glory Girl’s Fragile One
- Mannequin’s Arm on a Chain
- The following dashes no longer apply the Airborne status effect (and therefore no longer silence), and now cancel if interrupted by crowd control:
- Armsmaster’s Grappling Hook
- Shadow Stalker’s Ethereal Dash
- The Siberian’s Unstoppable Force
- Rail Dash
- Redid the code for model changes such as Panacea’s Wretchify and Lung’s Dragon Form. They should be significantly more consistent.
- Cleaned up quite a bit of unnecessary code.
Bug Fixes
- The game should now try to reconnect to the profile data server if it disconnects
- Fixed bug where capes would turn invisible after being Wretchified
- Sundancer‘s ult radius is no longer triple its intended size
- Fixed bug where capes with the “new” flag failed to show up under Statistics
- Fixed bug where the debug punching bag could not be put away
- Fixed bug where Bonesaw’s Dress and the Undying status effect failed to prevent death
- Fixed bug where certain shield auras were incorrectly positioned and sized
- Fixed bug where CS would reset to 1 if a pet last-hit a minion
- Fixed bug where only one kill or CS would be given if multiple capes or minions were killed at the exact same time
- Fixed bug where capes would temporarily appear to respawn at the point they died before warping back to fountain
- CC immunity now correctly applies to Cherish’s Codependence
- Fixed null reference error with stacking abilities such as Cherish’s Codependence, Dauntless’ Armor, and Touch of the Faerie Queen
- Fixed null reference error when damaged by a source that was already destroyed
- Shadow Stalker‘s tooltips for Tranquilizer Bolts and Razor Bolts now correctly indicate that their buffs last 2 seconds, not 1
- The aura for Glory Girl’s Tiara now correctly scales to Crawler‘s current size
- Crawler’s Tooth now correctly comes up when searched for in the store
- Fixed bug where CC reduction would not apply to status effects added with a specific GUID