Updated visuals on Caustic Spit to more clearly show that this ability passes through terrain
Item Changes
Miss Militia’s Rifle attack speed lowered from 0.35x to 0.2x
Miss Militia’s Rifle critical chance lowered from 15% to 10%
Miss Militia’s Rifle cost lowered from 2950 to 2700
Crawler’s Hide: name changed to Crawler’s Tooth, icon changed
This makes it fit into the pattern of clothing items giving AP or tank stats and weapons giving AD.
New icon for Cauldron Vial: Balance
UI Changes
Respawn timers are now shown on the UI over the cape icon
Respawn timers for all players are now shown on the scoreboard
Total gold earned by each player is now shown on the scoreboard
Miscellaneous Changes
Kills no longer reward a flat 300 gold, instead scaling off of the level difference between the killer and the victim, the victim’s current killing spree, and the total gold earned by the victim over the course of the game.
Assists now grant half the gold reward granted for a kill.
A flat 100 xp is no longer required to level up; instead each level takes 50 xp more than the last level to level up, starting at 300 xp from level 1 to level 2.
Kills no longer reward a flat 50 xp, instead scaling off of the killer’s level and the level difference between the killer and the victim.
Assists now grant half the xp reward granted for a kill.
Minion kills now grant 60 xp (up from 20).
Minion kills now grant 21 gold (down from 25).
Nearby minions dying now grant 20 xp (up from 0).
Nearby minions dying now grant 7 gold (up from 0).
Jungle buff kills now grant 160 xp (up from 20).
Jungle buff kills now grant 60 gold (up from 25).
Nearby jungle buffs dying now grant 50 xp (up from 0).
Nearby jungle buffs dying now grant 20 gold (up from 0).
Tower kills now grant 200 xp to the killer’s entire team (up from 100 for the killer alone).
Tower kills now grant 300 gold to the killer’s entire team (changed from 600 for the killer alone).
Ward kills now grant 30 xp (up from 12).
Ward kills now grant 8 gold (down from 15).
Nearby wards dying now grant 10 xp (up from 0).
Nearby wards dying now grant 3 gold (up from 0).
You now gain 5 xp per second in Brockton Bay Central Bank (up from 2).
You now gain 6 gold and 3 xp per second on the Boardwalk (up from 1 and 0.2).
Health regen, mana regen, passive gold gain, and passive xp gain now tick once per second instead of ticking continuously.
You no longer passively gain gold or xp until minions spawn.
Respawn timers no longer last a flat 5 seconds, instead scaling off of cape level from 5 seconds at level 1 to 60.1 seconds at level 20.
Wildbow’s Pen can now be activated while dead to respawn instantly.
You can now buy and sell items while dead.
On Brockton Bay Central Bank, teams now start with 100 points plus 40 for each player in the game (changed from 50 points for each player in the game).
This value is now stored online so it can be changed without patching.
Ported game to Unity 2020.
Bug Fixes
Assists are no longer granted for minion kills
Panacea’s Wretch no longer spawns partially sunk into the ground
Fixed bug where wins would also increase your loss count in player statistics
Fixed bug where skins would show up blank in the store
Fixed bug where health and mana would appear to regenerate while dead
The FX for Crawler’s Spittle no longer keep repeating after they are supposed to end