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New Cape: Imp
- Backstab (Q)
- Passive
- Autoattacking from behind deals bonus damage
- Active
- Your next autoattack deals bonus damage and slows
- If stealthed, also applies a bleed
- Knife Toss (W)
- Line skillshot that does damage on hit
- If stealthed, future autoattacks deal bonus damage
- Misdirection (E)
- Passive
- Bonus movement speed while stealthed
- Active
- Dash behind a hero, minion, or pet
- If stealthed and dashing to an enemy, fear the enemy
- Imp Who? (R)
- Passive
- Permastealth that breaks if you autoattack, use an ability, take damage, or get interrupted
- Active
- Instantly puts you into stealth
- Stealth refreshes every 0.5s
New Cape: Tattletale
- Seeing the Cracks (Q)
- Line skillshot chain that attaches to an ally or enemy
- Allies deal increased damage that ramps up over time
- Enemies deal decreased damage that ramps up over time
- You can have up to 2 chains at once
- Chaining one ally and one enemy adds a bonus
- Chains last until the target leaves range
- Let’s Strike a Deal (W)
- Area of effect
- Any heroes caught inside get 90% damage reduction
and are forced to recall to base
- Hacking Made Easy (E)
- Tattletale’s movement speed is halved while channeling
- Chained allies can’t be targeted by minions or towers, and don’t take fountain damage
- Chained enemies are targeted by their own minions and towers, and don’t heal inside their fountain
New Items
- Infrared Camera
- Provides truesight over a small area
- Visible to enemies and can be destroyed
Cape Changes
- New sound effect for Torcherer
Item Changes
- Security Cameras can now be destroyed by autoattacks if revealed
UI Changes
- You can now cancel and pick a different map from in the lobby
- Searching for an item now autoselects the first search result
- New, standardized visual effect on crits
Miscellaneous Changes
- Automated the process by which tooltips highlight their current level in yellow. This shouldn’t cause any noticeable changes.
- You can now summon a punching bag while in Debug Mode to test DPS values.
Bug Fixes
- Abilities that give truesight over specific heroes no longer give truesight over the area around them
- Burnscar‘s fires
- Cherish’s Paranoia
- Panacea’s Contagion
- The Siberian‘s bleed
- Glory Girl’s Fragile One passive is now properly affected by cooldown reduction
- Items with passive cooldowns now properly show cooldown reduction in the tooltip
- Bonesaw’s Dress
- Chevalier’s Cannonblade
- Glory Girl’s Tiara
- Jack Slash’s Knife
- Slippers of Serenity
- Heroes will no longer stop autoattacking targets with the Undying status effect when they reach 1hp
- Debug items are now deselected in the shop if Debug Mode is deactivated
- Changed more methods to properties where appropriate
- Modifiers now correctly account for charge stacks being reset to zero
- Friendly auras now share visibility with their creators so they don’t give you away in stealth
- Enemy auras still do give you away
- Contessa’s Double Tap bonus autoattack now correctly damages towers
- Chance for Glory no longer drops more than once per killing spree
- Fixed bug where towers would shoot two autoattacks at a time instead of one
patch notes,