Worm Update 0.4.6 Patch Notes

June 4, 2020

New Items

  • Rail Dash: push any unit a short distance in the direction they were facing
  • Mechanical Spider: increases healing done by 135%
  • Blasto’s Jacket: 60 AP, increases healing done by 135%
  • Bystander Effect: 30 AP, 120 maximum mana, regain mana whenever an allied hero or minion dies nearby

Cape Changes


  • New idle animation. This should make skillshots more closely match their indicators.


  • Contagion / Cure Rework
    • Now applies a damage-over-time infection if you touch the field
    • This infection refreshes as long as you stay inside the field and lingers for several seconds after you leave the field
    • You take double damage as long as you stay inside the field
    • Healing works the same way damage does
    • Field is now twice as big as at used to be
    • AP scaling increased from 0.2x AP to 0.5x AP that persists when you leave the field
  • Understandable / Forgiveable duration raised from 2s to 5s
  • Base health raised from 600 to 700
  • Health per level raised from 65 to 75
  • New idle animation. This should make skillshots more closely match their indicators.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Players are now assigned to PRT or Gangs randomly (previously the first person to join was always assigned to the PRT)
  • You can type “/checkmaster” in chat to see if you are the master client (“Player 1”)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed serialization error with rigidbody drag
  • Kills and CS are now correctly awarded
  • Fixed bug where health bars would stutter upon leveling up
  • Fixed bug where current health and mana would increase twice as much as max health and mana upon leveling up
  • True damage is now correctly affected by damage vulnerability effects
  • Targeted projectiles no longer target corpses
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