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New Feature: Pets
- Pets are summonable units that you can control
- Click on a pet to switch to it, then control them just like you would your hero
- Right-click to attack
- QWER to use abilities
- To switch back to your hero, click on your hero, or just click anywhere on the ground
- When your pets get kills or CS they feed the gold, experience, and points to you
New Items
- Dragon Suit: summon a robot suit of armor to fight for you
- Expires after 20 seconds
- Copies 100% of your health, armor, and MR, and 66% of your attack damage
- Damage received is amplified by 350%
Item Changes
- Costume ability power lowered from 45 to 40
UI Changes
- Allied units now have green health bars to more easily distinguish them from enemy units
- Invulnerable units have white health bars
Bug Fixes
- Right- or middle-clicking on item buttons no longer drags them
- All copies of Bakuda’s Mask you buy now correctly go on cooldown if you activate one of them
patch notes,