Alexandria’s Helm: 600 health, 80 armor, 80 magic resistance, and 1 movement speed
Builds from a Cybernetic Limb, a Spider Silk, and a PRT Containment Foam
Item Changes
Flechette’s Arbalest now builds from 1 crossbow, 2 SMGs, and 2 shotguns instead of 2 crossbows, 2 SMGs, and 2 shotguns
With the armor penetration nerf, Flechette’s was actually a downgrade from 2 crossbows, which give 20 armor pen (Flechette’s now only gives 15.) Reducing the build to 1 crossbow alleviates this.
Bonesaw’s Dress now builds from a Pistol and a PRT Uniform
Titanomachy: new icon
Dauntless’ Armor now builds from Dauntless’ Helm, a Shard, and a Ceramic Limb
Dauntless’ Armor cost raised from 2000g to 2500g
Leviathan’s Hide now builds from a Cybernetic Limb and a Ceramic Limb
Spandex armor raised from 10 to 20
Chain Mail armor raised from 20 to 40
Spider Silk now builds from a Chain Mail and a Spandex
Spider Silk armor raised from 40 to 80
Shatterbird’s Glass Storm now builds from a Ceramic Limb, a Chain Mail, and a Tinker Gear
Shatterbird’s Glass Storm: new icon
Newter’s Skin now builds from a Prosthetic Limb and a Spider Silk
Newter’s Skin health lowered from 600 to 200
Newter’s Skin cost lowered from 3500g to 3000g
Scapegoat’s Mask now builds from a Spider Silk, a Chain Mail, and a Spandex
PRT Helmet magic resistance raised from 10 to 20
PRT Uniform magic resistance raised from 20 to 40
PRT Containment Foam now builds from a PRT Uniform and a PRT Helmet
PRT Containment Foam magic resistance raised from 40 to 80
Citrine’s Mask now builds from a Containment Foam
Citrine’s Mask magic resistance raised from 40 to 80
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where damage over time effects would only damage on their first tick
Fixed bug where totems would fail to initialize properly
Skidmark’s Armband and Ballistic’s Glove are now correctly identified as passives