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New Mode: Arena (Brockton Bay Central Bank)
- You start with 300 tickets. The goal is to get your opponent to zero.
- You lose 5 tickets for dying.
- The enemy loses 1 ticket when you last hit a minion, or when one of your minions reaches the enemy portal.
- You start at level 3.
- You passively gain XP and gold ten times as fast as you do normally.
New Feature: Minions
- Brockton Bay Central Bank now has a portal on each side of the map, near the spawn room
- Minions emerge from one portal and start walking towards the other portal
- If a minion sees something nearby, it attacks it, prioritizing minions over players
- If the target dies or gets too far away the minion starts walking again
- If the minion reaches the other portal it leaves the map
- Waves come every 20 seconds and consist of 3 ranged and 3 melee minions each
Cape Changes
- Marissa can now cancel any of her animations into any other animation. This should make it even easier to chain abilities.
Bug Fixes
- It is no longer possible to move during Clockblocker’s Pendant if another animation had already begun at the time Clockblocker’s was cast.
UI Changes
- You can now see other players’ item builds in the scoreboard
- Added a score indicator for arena mode
Miscellaneous Changes
- Migrated project to Unity 2019.3
patch notes,