Worm Update 0.2.4 Patch Notes

May 16, 2020

New Items

  • Newter’s Skin: enemies that autoattack you are slowed, 600 MHP, 100 armor
  • Shatterbird’s Glass Storm: aura that damages nearby enemies, 400 MHP, 60 armor, 10% cdr
  • Scapegoat’s Mask: reflects 25% of autoattack damage, 140 armor

Cape Changes


  • New Ability: Double Tap (Q)
    • Passive: after using an ability, Fortuna’s next autoattack hits twice
    • Active: shoot a ricocheting bullet that also hits the enemy behind the target
  • Recolored character model – she now has a purple suit and black hair


  • Marissa can now cancel the animations on Orb: Deploy and Orb: Protect by casting Orb: Flare or Orb: Detonate. This should make it significantly easier for her to chain abilities.

Item Changes

  • Bounty Hunter Boots” renamed to “Battery’s Boots

Bug Fixes

  • You can no longer use multiple copies of unique actives (using one now puts all other copies on cooldown)
  • Jack Slash’s Knife no longer shows multiple auras if you buy duplicates
  • Melee autoattacks now correctly proc on-hit effects like March’s Mask or Crawler’s Spittle
  • Movement speed now displays correctly in the stats panel of the store
  • Sniper Rifles are now stackable as intended
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