Scapegoat’s Mask: reflects 25% of autoattack damage, 140 armor
Cape Changes
New Ability: Double Tap (Q)
Passive: after using an ability, Fortuna’s next autoattack hits twice
Active: shoot a ricocheting bullet that also hits the enemy behind the target
Recolored character model – she now has a purple suit and black hair
Marissa can now cancel the animations on Orb: Deploy and Orb: Protect by casting Orb: Flare or Orb: Detonate. This should make it significantly easier for her to chain abilities.
Item Changes
“Bounty Hunter Boots” renamed to “Battery’s Boots“
Bug Fixes
You can no longer use multiple copies of unique actives (using one now puts all other copies on cooldown)
Jack Slash’s Knife no longer shows multiple auras if you buy duplicates
Melee autoattacks now correctly proc on-hit effects like March’s Mask or Crawler’s Spittle
Movement speed now displays correctly in the stats panel of the store