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New Cape: Sundancer
- Orb: Deploy (Q): sends Sundancer’s orb to a target location, dealing damage along the way
- Orb: Flare (W): Sundancer’s orb flares up and does damage in an AOE around itself
- Orb: Protect (E): attaches Sundancer’s orb to an ally, giving them armor and MR
- Orb: Detonate (R): Sundancer’s orb does massive damage and stuns in an AOE around itself
Cape Changes
- Base armor raised from 0 to 24
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 4.5
- New character model
- Base armor raised from 0 to 22
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 3.5
- Base armor raised from 0 to 22
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 3.5
Glory Girl
- Base armor raised from 0 to 26
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 5.5
- Base armor raised from 0 to 21
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 3
- Base armor raised from 0 to 23
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 4
Shadow Stalker
- Base armor raised from 0 to 23
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 4
- Base armor raised from 0 to 23
- Armor per level raised from 0 to 4
Bug Fixes
- Attempted to fix range glitch on Burnscar‘s Q
patch notes,