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New Map: Brockton Bay Central Bank
New Feature: Respawn Rooms (Fountains)
- Players spawn in their fountain when the game starts, and respawn there on death
- Players must now be at their fountain to buy items
- Players heal inside their fountain and take damage inside the enemy fountain
New Items
- Coil Merc’s Sniper Rifle: 45 attack damage (unique)
- Spandex: 10 armor
- Chain Mail: 20 armor
Cape Changes
Shadow Stalker
- Attack damage per level raised from 4 to 6
- Sophia gets higher innate attack damage to make up for her cumbersome autoattack animation.
Glory Girl
- Base attack damage lowered from 20 to 12
- Attack damage per level lowered from 4 to 1
- More nerfs to Victoria’s AD Carry build.
- New Ability (W) – Forgiveable / Understandable
- Forgiveable: Point-blank AOE cleanse for allies, also buffs movement speed (CC immunity to be added later)
- Understandable: Point-blank AOE debuff to armor, MR, and movement speed
- New Ability (R) – Kheprify
- Massive damage boost for an ally that also doubles their damage received
Item Changes
- You can now own a maximum of one Butcher’s Minigun. If you already own one, you cannot buy another, nor can you pick one up off the ground.
- Spider Silk armor increased from 10 to 40
- Spider Silk cost increased from 400g to 2000g
UI Changes
Bug Fixes
- Burnscar’s Dress now correctly builds from 2 SMGs and a Cape
- Butcher’s Minigun now correctly links to the High Risk tab in the store
patch notes,