Butcher’s Minigun: 100 attack damage, 200 ability power
On death, it drops on the ground and an enemy can pick it up
Shadow Stalker’s Electrical Cord: pocket execute
Corona Pollentia: 60 ability power, x130% ability power
Builds from a Costume and a Cape
This is exactly the same as the old Titanomachy, which is now an endgame item
SMG: 0.2x attack speed
Cape Changes
Shadow Stalker
New character model
Pyrokinesis base damage raised from 50/60/70/80/90 to 50/90/130/170/210
This ability was still underpowered for how hard it is to hit.
Arsonal percent maximum health lowered from 4/8/12/16/20% to 4/6/8/10/12%
Adding a percent maximum health component to Arsonal made it much stronger than anticipated, particularly against squishies. This change should make it more fair to play against.
Glory Girl
Base attack speed lowered from 1.25 to 0.75
Aura: Terror and Aura: Awe now count as channeled abilities
Both of these changes are meant to make AD Carry Victoria significantly less viable without reducing her effectiveness as a tank.
New Ability (Q): Atonement / Indulgence
Atonement: line skillshot that heals for percent max health on hit, then heals over time
Indulgence: line skillshot that damages for percent missing health on hit, then damages over time
Item Changes
Flechette’s Crossbow cost raised from 1000g to 2750g
Bow of the Shadow Stalker cost raised from 1337g to 3000g
Titanomachy ability power raised from 60 to 90
Titanomachy multiplicative ability power raised from 130% to 145%
Titanomachy cost raised from 3750 to 7500
Titanomachy now builds from Corona Pollentia
Bakuda’s Mask now builds from a Costume and a Cape
Burnscar’s Dress now builds from 2 SMGs and a Cape
UI Changes
Added ping indicator
Bug Fixes
You no longer get kills, gold, and experience from self-imposed deaths
CC effects like silences no longer extinguish Burnscar’s fires
Jumping over a wall with Pyroport or Doormaker Gate no longer desyncs heroes
Fixed bug where enemy heroes would rotate in place after arriving at their destination
Taunts and fears no longer pull dead heroes
Death now interrupts channeled abilities
March’s Mask and March’s Rapier now last the full 8 seconds instead of cutting off arbitrarily
Most effects that stick to a target hero now end if the hero dies
Bakuda’s Mask debuff
Cranial Bombs
Atonement / Indulgence
Burnscar’s Fires are NOT affected by this change.
Status effects now end on death
Clockblocker’s Pendant now correctly builds from Costume
Mask no longer links to the Armsmaster items tab in the store
Tinker Gear no longer links to the Armsmaster items tab in the store
Tinker Gear now shows the correct icon in the store (it used to show a helmet)
Defiant’s Armor now shows the correct icon in its progression tree (it used to show a halberd)