Costume: 45 ability power, builds from a Cape and a Mask
Tinker Gear: 5% cooldown reduction
Cape Changes
Experimental Rocket Prototype percent missing health damage lowered from 20% to 4/8/12/16/20%
Pyrokinesis base damage raised from 20/30/40/50/60 to 50/60/70/80/90
This ability should feel more rewarding to land as it’s one of the harder skillshots in the game to hit.
Torcherer base damage lowered from 40/50/60/70/80 to 20/30/40/50/60
This change should make Torcherer slightly less oppressive early game while still allowing it to scale hard as you build AP.
Pyroport fire duration lowered from 5s to 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s
This should make it more challenging to chain Burnscar’s abilities, especially early in the game.
“Fiery Doom” renamed to “Arsonal“
Arsonal now deals an additional 4/8/12/16/20% maximum health damage
Arsonal now has a specific niche as a tank buster instead of just being another weak, generic damage spell.
Item Changes
Panacea’s Scarf is now a point-blank AOE that heals all allies in a 3m radius for 20% of their max health (it used to be a self-heal only for 200 health flat)
Titanomachy cost lowered from 4000g to 3750g
Bakuda’s Mask cost lowered from 4500g to 3750g
Burnscar’s Dress cost raised from 2250g to 2750g
Titanomachy now builds from a Costume and a Cape
Clockblocker’s Pendant now builds from a Costume
Armsmaster’s Halberd now builds from 2 Tinker Gears and a Pistol
Armsmaster’s Helm now builds from 2 Tinker Gears and a Cape
March’s Rapier now builds from a Knife, a Pistol, and a Tinker Gear
March’s Mask now builds from a Mask, a Cape, and a Tinker Gear
Bakuda’s Mask ability power raised from 45 to 60
Clockblocker’s Pendant ability power raised from 30 to 60
Gray Boy Loop ability power raised from 60 to 90
Burnscar’s Dress ability power raised from 20 to 30
March’s Mask ability power raised from 20 to 30
March’s Rapier attack damage raised from 10 to 15
Cape ability power raised from 10 to 20
UI Changes
Some items now show progression trees when you click on them in the store
Skill and item buttons now gray out while CCed
XP counter in the store now rounds to the nearest integer
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug where projectiles with extremely short lifetimes would fail to fire at high latency. The following abilities should now work consistently: